


Understanding LIC Calculator: Your Guide to Smart Life Insurance Planning

Life insurance is a critical financial tool that provides security and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. However, choosing the right life insurance plan can be overwhelming. This is where a Lic (Life Insurance Corporation) calculator becomes an invaluable resource for making informed decisions.

## What is a Lic Calculator?

A Lic calculator is an online tool designed to help individuals estimate their life insurance premium and coverage needs quickly and efficiently. By inputting a few key personal details, you can get an instant projection of potential insurance plans, helping you understand the financial commitment and protection level.


LIC Maturity Calculator

How to Use:

  • Enter the Policy Amount (the total amount insured).
  • Enter the Policy Term (number of years).
  • Enter the Interest Rate (annual interest rate offered by LIC).
  • Click the Calculate Maturity Amount button to see the result.

if (isNaN(policyAmount) || isNaN(policyTerm) || isNaN(interestRate)) { alert("Please enter valid numbers in all fields."); return; }

const maturityAmount = policyAmount * Math.pow(1 + interestRate / 100, policyTerm); document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = `Maturity Amount: ₹${maturityAmount.toFixed(2)}`; }

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